Week 4: Finish strong!

Well, here we are! We made it to week 4! I hope you all have exceeded your weekly goals, and found strength within you to do better everytime you hit the pavement. So, what is your last goal for the month?

While I want to keep it reasonable, because I know slow increases are important, I am going to suggest a less modest final goal as well.

(Whether you choose to attempt the goal that seems slightly more attainable or something to push you a bit harder, you’re doing great and will continue to do well. Don’t be ashamed, running is hard!)

Week 4 Goal: three 1.5 mile runs, two 2 mile runs;
less modest
: three 1.5 mile runs, one 2 mile run, AND one 3 mile run!

Continue reading

When Your Running Legs Don’t Want To Run

On my run this morning, I was reminded of an all too familiar feeling: tired legs. Although my mind and heart were in it to win it, the ol’ legs were not having it.

When I realized I was going to run out my 5 miles as planned, I started thinking how I would actually get this completed.

You, my lovely readers, I’m sure experience this same situation some days. How you get through it, I’m not sure. However, if the case is that you in fact, DON’T get through it, and choose to stop, I  have some suggestions for next time sleepy leg syndrome comes creeping into your run. Continue reading

Here it comes…. Week 3!

Hey all, so I don’t have much time at the very moment to talk a whole lot, but I know I’m late in getting week 3’s goal out to you!

Week 3 goal: 2 days of 2 miles, and 2 days of 1.5 miles!

I hope you atleast reached one 2 mile run last week, because this week you have two! I know you can do it! Once your body gets into the rhythm it just starts to work like clockwork!

Happy running, I’ll be back tomorrow with more!

PS If you missed it, check out the post Food to Fuel a Fit Figure. Nothing better than getting your day started with the right breakfast!

And always remember…

10 Easy Ways To Stay On Track With Your Running

I want to start by saying that I came up with this post idea while running — so good things can come from a nice, long run! While on my last mile I began to think about what I like about running so much… why do I get out of my cozy bed that has a cute cuddling boy in it every morning at 6:30 to run for an hour before working an 8 hour shift?

I realized that running has become a part of who I am. When I describe myself, I say “runner,” or some form of Hey, I like to run!

Let me remind you, though, that this is something that did not happen over night, in fact it didn’t happen in a couple months… It has been a year since I started running, and it has taken that long for me to say with conviction, “I’m A Runner.”

With that said, there are so many ways for you to keep on pushing yourself, to get to the point I have finally reached. Running can do so many things for you, if only you allow yourself to get there. That’s where this post comes in. Continue reading

Tough it out Tuesday

Can’t seem to get out there for a run today? Start with a smaller goal to get those shoes on your feet, and yourself out that door. When you start small, you’ll find that you go even further because you didn’t expect much from yourself in the first place! Allow yourself to plan how far you”ll go as you’re running, no pressure to go more if you don’t want to.
Even if you don’t end up going further than your original plan, hey — you got out there, and that’s further than your lazy boy recliner was going to take you!

I read a great tip last night from @Toneitup: Run 10 minutes away from your house and then run right back.

A last bit of motivation:

“A lot of people don’t realize that about 98 percent of the running I put in is anything but glamorous: 2 percent joyful participation, 98 percent dedication! It’s a tough formula. Getting out in the forest in the biting cold and the flattening heat, and putting in kilometer after kilometer.” Rob de Castella