Baked sweet potato chips

Do you ever just want something crunchy? Well, I often crave something like chips or crackers. I decided to take the idea of sweet potato fries and turn them into baked chips. It is SUPER easy, as you know that cooking is not necessarily my forte, and very delicious!

As with everything I make, they are also incredibly versatile, and easily catered to your personal tastes. Continue reading


Admit it, you’re guilty… of being a little over-zealous at the apple orchard and still having five pounds of apples laying around. It’s okay, who wouldn’t go crazy with a picker in one hand an empty bag in the other — it’s only natural.

This means, though, that we must find something to do with all your hard earned fruit. Today I tried my hand at two wonderfully delicious apple creations today and I am here to share! Continue reading